
I am currently taking private students and editing manuscripts during the summers.

I’m happy to work with people writing in any and all forms and genres, from science writing to poetry, books to papers. My approach, after working with thousands of people in classrooms, one on one, and in community or conference settings over the years, is this: I ask “what is this writer trying to do, and how can I help them do  it with greater strength, grace, clarity, and power?” It’s your voice I am interested in revealing, at its most muscular.

If you’d like to work with me, please check out the EFA’s helpful ballpark rate guide, and then send me an email at jessamynjsmyth (at) gmail (dot) com.


I am currently an editor for Gleam: Journal of the Cadralor, a new poetic form. Check it out – we’re getting the most beautiful work, and the form itself is a possession. Five nonlinear, image driven stanzas, the final one answering the question ‘for what do you yearn?’ – and revealing the gleaming thread connecting what went before.

I have created and edited many literary journals, published widely, and taught writing privately, at the university level, and in various community settings for a couple of decades now. My bios are available here.


Jessamyn Smyth_Director QWC

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